Anyone who has tried to sleep on a plane knows this to be true... When you're trying to sleep, it's important to have support for your neck. When you add…
These giraffes have some amazing skills. French director, Nicolas Deveaux of Cube Creations, wanted to show giraffes practicing high diving. In 2013, he published this incredible animation, which is so…
A Malabar enormous squirrel was the first animal that shrew expert John Koprowsk observed when exploring India in 2006. They are also known as an Indian enormous squirrel, and what…
The seal is one of the world's cutest animals. They never fail to demonstrate their love and benevolence towards their human friends. I just read about a contented seal who…
A group of volunteers and a professional diver named James Moskito were working in the Farallon Islands, off San Francisco's coast. He spotted a humpback whale acting strangely at the…
Owner of the wildlife sanctuary Wild Is Life, the devoted Roxy Danckwerts, gives injured and abandoned animals a second chance at life. This is excellent wherever it occurs, but Roxy…
Do you recognize the appearance of a pink dolphin? Pink dolphins do exist in the Amazon region, despite the misconception that it is a hoax. They can reach a height…
The unanticipated animal friendships are regarded by many as one of the natural environment's most alluring features. Watching two species overcome barriers posed by instinct and body language is inspiring.…
We're sure you've heard about armadillo lizards if you're interested in reptiles, particularly lizards. These armadillo lizards, a type of strongly armed reptile native to South Africa, have sharp arms…