She is without a question the queen of birds because she is so beautiful.
These pretty pigeons are from New Guinea and were named for Queen Victoria of England, who ruled Great Britain in the late 1800s.
What You See Here Is An Exotic Victoria Crowned Pigeon That Doesn’t Look Like Any Other Pigeon. It is clear why some people believe that nature is the most talented artist in the world; this bird is proof of that!
This bird is easy to spot because of its fan-shaped crown of feathers on its head. It’s a very attractive trait that makes the person look like they’re wearing a crown with pride. This bright blue bird can get as big as a turkey as an adult. Their eyes are bright red, and their eyeliner looks great.
When they are trying to mate, the male pigeons will dance, which is very cute. Besides the beautiful way these pigeons look, their mating dance is also very impressive. As one-of-a-kind and complicated as you’d expect from a prime crab. When a male of this species tries to court a female, the female bows to show off his beautiful crest. The male then sings a well-choreographed courtship song that includes both rhythmic and vigorous tail wagging.
These pigeons’ females only lay one egg each time they mate. This species is now on the IUCN Red List as “endangered.” In addition to this, cutting down trees is another thing that is causing their population to drop. It’s illegal to have six elephants. Let’s save them.
The color of this bird and its crown are beautiful. One of the wonders of nature! The name seems to fit this proud pigeon just right!