Wildlife is something that most people who love animals do, even if they don’t like snakes, reptiles, or frogs. People often think of snakes as scary because their eyes, tongue, and fangs can be poisonous. People in some areas still think of snakes as evil and poisonous.

Snakes are interesting animals that have developed special skills to help them stay alive in dangerous places. In many religions, they represent fresh starts, change, and the end of time. People have used snakes in ceremonies for a very long time. By looking at these animals very closely, you can see how beautiful they are.

The Peringuey’s adder is a small snake that lives in the desert. Animals that want to eat it can’t tell the difference between it and its surroundings, which helps it stay safe. It’s hard for other animals to find because it can hide itself well. It is one of the tiny vipers in the world, but it is very good at adapting to its surroundings. It’s amazing to see how well this snake fits in to protect itself.

Marisa Ishimatsu is a keen animal lover and skilled photographer who loves to travel and take beautiful pictures of amphibians and snakes. She went to Namibia not long ago with some other experts to look for six kinds of vipers, including the very rare Peringuey’s adder. Marisa takes beautiful pictures of these animals while she’s on vacation to show everyone how beautiful they are.

A certain kind of snake hides in the sand in the desert. A tour company called The Naturalist Collection helped the shooters get pictures of these snakes. A man named Dayne Braine took them to the desert.
Because the sand in the desert is so soft, you can sometimes see snake tracks from where they moved overnight. He told Dayne that if they are good at tracking, they could follow the snake’s tracks to find it. However, it’s hard as the sand shifts quickly and the tracks are quickly lost.
He led a group of people who tried to take pictures of snakes and other animals without hurting or scaring them. With the help of a guide, they found snakes and took stunning shots of them. Everyone was amazed by how beautiful a picture of a Peringuey’s adder was. She said it was her best picture ever. She has been photographing snakes and other animals for more than 10 years and has captured many of them around the world. When you finally see the snake’s eyes, this picture is one of a kind. It looks like it’s staring right at you.
It might be hard to understand this picture, but once you see the snake, you’ll never look away! Six kinds of snakes were found by a group of people. After taking a picture of the viper, they made sure it was safe. Their favourite shot was the one of the Peringuey’s adder.
Have something to say about this beautiful viper or about snakes in general? Please do so in the part below.